Saturday, November 4, 2017


    In my years of experience as a journalist, I wanted to do ... more. I LOVE covering Arts & Entertainment, but wanted to delve deeper. In the world of newspapers and magazines, focus had to be laser-sharp and time for follow-ups was rare. That's why I finally decided to move on to this forum ~ first. I have plans to start my own online magazine, but working alone has forced me to reconsider, for the time being.
    Until I can get into a proper rhythm, blogging my articles, and the work leading up to the article, will give me a little more time to "prime the pump" for the online magazine, as it were. The primary focus of the magazine are anything to do with the Arts and Entertainment fields. I plan on creating long and short-form articles, investigative and the ever-present opinion ~ either mine or experts.

Stay tuned for more information. And thank you for joining me on what could be a weird journey.


Jesus Beltran II
White Raven Works' Art of...
Writer / Publisher

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