Saturday, May 7, 2022

A Few of My Short Stories




You’ve been on our planet for a few days and probably have some questions about our technologies and things like that before you decide to become a citizen. Well, I have been authorized to give you a basic tour of our world ~ but we don’t have to go anywhere. We have several types of telecommunication systems at our disposal. First, we have a stunning almost real audio/visual system that allows us to experience the sights and sounds of what is going on far away. We call it audio-vision.

Audio-vision draws on the older technology of radio and paired it with a slightly more complicated visual system. We use a camera to show you what we want you to see and a microphone to let you hear what we want you to hear. Believe it or not, we have citizens who enjoy this type of 2-dimensional entertainment. They choose to stay at home instead of partaking in all that our world has to offer.

The next and, in my humble opinion, greatest form of telecommunication in our world is the Personal Wormhole Service (PWS). Even though I say it is the greatest system, the PWS is a simple communication and transportation system. Our scientists have found a way to create wormholes between preset points all around the world. We can also create wormholes between mobile Wormhole Portal Devices (PWD).

As a citizen, you can program a wormhole to open to your favourite takeout restaurant and have them deliver your food directly to your kitchen counter. Or you could open a wormhole and have a long conversation, or even visit, with your friend or loved one who might be on the other side of the planet. Once you’re done, simply end the wormhole program.

Now, in the time that you have been here, you might have heard some alarmist propaganda about too many wormholes running through the same space/time potentially causing our planet to rip apart at any time. But don’t worry. Our scientists have built in safety mechanisms that will keep such an infinitesimal possibility from …



            Reporting, live from Baker Street Mall, is Channel 13’s Kendra Song. Kendra.

As you can see, the damage inside the mall, next to the Baker Street Bridge, is incredible. Store windows are smashed, food and beverages are smeared across the floors and walls in the food court. We will continue to get as much footage before the police drone hunters find ours and take it out. In the meantime, here’s what we know as of an hour ago:

·         Thirteen people are under arrest for disorderly conduct after a night of rioting.

·         An unknown number of rioters escaped.

·         One person is dead.

·         Thirteen are in intensive care.

·         One is under observation.

·         Dozens of stores had damages in the thousands of dollars.

All of the rioters, injured and the one death are, amazingly, all the same people.

Police spokesperson, Jenna Melbourne, is saying they have identified the rioters as being between the ages of 50 and 90. They do not have any information as to why this happened. But, Melbourne has just confirmed that the rioters were said to have begun acting strange moments before the incident began. Unfortunately, according to Melbourne, all CCTV footage for the whole day was erased.

This information about the rioters acting strangely, corroborates what eyewitnesses I spoke with have been telling me. All have said the mall was full of patrons of this age bracket, many on their daily walking routines. Then, they all stopped at the same time. The next thing they knew ~ canes and walkers were being used to smash glass. Even some scooters were being driven into glass doors, repeatedly, until they shattered. None of the eyewitnesses wanted to be identified.

After almost an hour, some of the rioters were finally subdued when the mall was stormed by dozens of officers, including S.W.A.T.

We are receiving unconfirmed reports that many of the teenagers who were trapped in the mall during the riots, have had their identity cards stolen. To add insult to injury, a reliable source says that the police are having a difficult time locating the parents or other family members of these teenagers.

This incident has left officials with some very strange, lingering questions. First, what caused this sudden rioting by some of these older residents? How did these rioters escape? What would people of this age bracket want with the identity cards of teenagers? And finally, why can no one find these teenagers’ loved ones?

These are very strange events at the Baker Street Mall. Back to you in the studio. I’m Kendra Song, signing off.




 “Do you STREAM? How often do you STREAM? Or, maybe you just STREAM alone.” Reporter Lindsay Vonn Paloma speaks to her new drone camera. “If you’ve been living under a rock for the past year, STREAM stands for South Texas Rhythm, Euphoric, Astral and Minstrel—a musical movement that has dominated clubs, music download and radio charts, as well as sales records for the last six months.”

Edward Revere was playing backup guitar for a small, but well-known Harlingen, Texas band for years. One day, he quit the band. Having gone into his home studio for almost three weeks, Revere emerged with a unique album he released online through his personal label. With a tiny budget, Revere shot a series of music videos as publicity for his music. The response from viewers was incredible. Outselling most well-known artists, Revere garnered his first million dollars the first month following the release of his music videos.

“The man who started it all is Edward Revere.”

The drone’s rear camera has Revere in its sights to capture his reaction to Paloma’s verbose introduction. He smiles politely, but remains calm.

“In other interviews, you said that STREAM allowed you to create the sometimes hauntingly melodic tunes about finding one’s place in the universe, the evils of war and, most popular, being exiled from Heaven.”


“Thank you for that…response and for the invitation to your apartment, which is situated above his multimedia recording studio and offices you practically built yourself.”

No problem. I was eager to meet you.


Of course. I’ve had my eye on you for almost a year, now.

He grins ~ showing a few teeth. His eyes slit slightly.

“Speaking of a year ~ it’s been almost a year since you first presented that song to the world. Where did the inspiration come from?”

It just sorta came from a dream I had ~ been having for a while now.

“Tell me how it came about.”

Funnily enough, it started when I was having an intense orgasm. The moment it happened, I saw all sorts of mad stuff… but only for a moment. Then, later that night, I had a really intense dream.

“And what is it that you saw in this dream and orgasmic vision?”

Everything. I see myself in heaven as a god. I feel the power and knowledge flowing through me. Since then, I’ve come to learn things I have no business knowing ~ all from other visions and dreams I’ve had since.

Paloma’s presenter smile quickly fades. She shifts a little in her seat.

“What sort of things have you learned?”

For one—

Revere leans in towards Paloma. Almost whispering,

I know when I’m in the presence of someone else like me. For another—

Revere closes his eyes and inhales, deeply,

I can smell your blade ~ a strange alloy.

He opens his eyes and smiles.

I also know where and how to cut you to get your power crystal.

“You are a clever one, aren’t you?”

Paloma had shifted herself to allow for easier access to her short sword. Now, with Revere so close, and focused on her eyes, she reaches for the handle, ready to strike.

“You should also know that I’m not here to destroy you, just move you to a new life.”

You forget. You can’t destroy me, or any of us. That’s why you have to keep moving us into new lives.

“Whatever the reason, you’ll be born again. You will live a new life and forget about this one. And you won’t have to see any of us again… unless you start to remember.”

Not gonna happen.

She slices at him quickly. Revere quickly leans his chair back to avoid the blade, and falls onto the floor. A tuck and roll gets him to a guitar on its stand.

I’ve grown fond of this life and accustomed to my lifestyle. I’m not going anywhere.

The guitar, a 1967 Burt Ram special, is his only option. Its mesquite, heartwood belly was specially chosen by its maker to withstand all sorts of punishment. The neck is solid aluminum, cast specially for this one guitar. Over the neck is a clear, almost bullet resistant plastic that adds to the appeal of this lightweight instrument. Revere added a little something extra to the Rock ‘n Roll avant-garde piece…

Paloma catches up to Revere and tries to hack him from his left shoulder down to his ribs. Revere uses his guitar as a shield. The strange blade slices into the belly of the instrument, almost severing it from the neck. Revere pushes Paloma back with such force that she flies over a couch nearly five feet away.

Revere, with guitar in hand, jumps the distance in one hop — the belly of the instrument splinters into her face as he lands. The wood of the guitar’s body is now gone. All that remains is a strangely carved axe Revere had installed for just such an occasion.

“That…that can’t be! How can you have…?”

I remembered I had left it on Earth, before I was kicked out of my home.

“You’ve never remembered this much, before. How?”

You wouldn’t believe me. And knowing where you’re going, I’m definitely not going to tell you. It would spoil the surprise for the others. Just tell them ~ I’m coming, back.

One horizontal movement and her head is severed from her body which bursts into a white hot light before turning into ash.

I guess I’m going to need some help from my friends.

Revere looks into the flying camera.

I never wanted this. They started it. If you know my songs, you know the truth. The war in the Heavens has been going on for a very long time. It took me this long to be strong enough to fight back. They will be coming for me. I need your help. Reject their lies. Turn your back to their churches, temples and mosques. Deny them your prayers and souls. It is the only way to weaken them and save yourselves.


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